Vitrinite Reflectance

How mature are your source rocks?

Vitrinite reflectance (VR) is a maturity indicator which can help define maturity thresholds for oil and gas generation in your rock samples. VR is commonly used to enhance calibration of basin modelling which APT can also carry out for you to better understand your basin maturity. Visual kerogen analysis using transmitted white and incident ultra-violet light can give both qualitative and quantitative information on kerogen type and maturity.

Vitrinite reflectance (VR)

APT specialises in high quality sample preparation followed by consistent, careful and geologically focused studies of each sample. Samples are prepared using bulk rock taken directly from ditch cuttings, sidewall cores (SWC), core chips or outcrop samples. Raw data plus a full interpretation report is provided.

Visual kerogen description

Description of kerogen compositions provide information regarding petroleum generation potential. Maturity assessments based on kerogen colours or fluorescence can be performed independently or in conjunction with visual kerogen assessments.

To discuss APT's vitrinite analysis service please contact: