Meet Elizabeth Hardesty US Business Development - Geologist at APT

What sparked your interest in geosciences, and what are you most passionate about?

Even as a kid, I always picked-up rocks. Little did I know you could make a career out of it! While completing my degree in Mathematics at Wittenberg University, I realized I was not cut out to be a teacher. It happened that same semester I was taking an intro to Geology class with friends – and loved it. So instead of student teaching my senior year, I took 5 Geology labs to earn a minor. Found a graduate advisor with a similar background, started my field work before classes even started, and landed an internship with Shell between my 2 years of graduate studies. There I fell hook-line-and-sinker for the O&G industry and all it had to offer. Almost 17 years later, I’m still in it and enjoy every minute.

Tell us a bit about your role at APT and what you do day-to-day.

At APT I am in US Business Development which means I work to bring new clients in, keep current clients happy and spread the word about the great work APT does. Ask me more after I’ve been here a bit longer!

During your career, assuming you can talk about it, what has been your most memorable experience and why?

Being moved from On-shore US Unconventionals to Eastern Gulf of Mexico Exploration. Little did I know I’d land the project of one of the largest Norphlet discoveries (to date) and become not only part of the 3 person Project Development Team, but also was the Operational Geologist who was onsite for the core job. Being a swimmer and diver, I love the water but HUET (helicopter survival training) was a totally different story, I’ll never forget those ‘dunk’ days. Being on an offshore rig was a wonderful and humbling experience. Those workers give up personal lives to work around the clock in a dangerous job in the middle of nowhere Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The day we pulled the last planned core, me and the foreman had to call the office and tell them we did not find the Oil/Water contact… was still oil! Truly a great experience!

Is there any advice you would give students looking to build a career in geosciences/geochemistry?

Test out everything. Do internships to see which industries you like, then expand on those. Never pigeonhole yourself into any ONE thing. Be kind and appreciative to all, never burn bridges. Take advanced MATH and try to enjoy it!

What are you most looking forward to in the coming months? (personal and work-related)

Work related, I am super excited to return to doing BD for the whole US; meaning I get to indulge in the food scene in Dallas Forth Worth (DFW), enjoy great industry events in Oklahoma City (OKC), visit friends in Pittsburgh, and enjoy some cooler weather in Denver, to name a few. All while re-connecting with folks I’ve worked with in the past, attended school with or even simply met at a conference.

Personally, I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of Geoscience, obviously in Organic Geochemistry! I have always worked on the ROCK side of things – planning coring and mudlogging programs and analysis to aid in Exploration projects. Coming over to the fluids side has taken some catch-up, but I’m really enjoying learning from my new team.

Outside of work, what is your favorite pastime and why?

I have a passion for three things: food, wine, and travel. Often the three go together quite nicely! I’ve been blessed to stand on 6 of the 7 continents have traveled to more countries than US states (but it’s a close one) and seen Geology all over the globe.